Expected Student Outcomes
- Students that are spiritually alert. Students that fear God, respect the others and the natural environment.
At the end of the programme the College would have produced Students that:
- Cherish a life of service through academic knowledge and the development of reasoned thought.
- Can relate the various subject matter areas to their trade.
- Have developed their creative talent.
- Are employable.
- Have caught the vision of entrepreneurship.
- Have acquired the knowledge and skills required for future study or for occupational competence.
At the end of the programme the College would have produced Students that:
- Have integrity and sound character in all circumstances.
- Have embraced the positive character development.
- Can apply him/herself to their work to fulfill their various responsibilities.
- Can work independently and cooperatively.
- Can think for themselves and that are confident in their conviction under pressure.
- Have cultivated the culture of care and maintenance of personal and School property.
- Have imbibed the respect for other people who may not be of their faith, religion or denomination, without denying their faith.
At the end of the programme the College would have produced Students that:
- Can maintain a healthy, respectful relationships with others.
- Can apply ethics and standards of morality in life and business.
- Can demonstrate equity, courtesy, kindness at work and at home.
- Can get along with everyone irrespective of religion or denominational views.
- Can practice effective communication skills.
- Have awareness of their responsibilities to the community and its authorities, and to prepare them for adult responsibility on earth.
At the end of the programme the College would have produced Students that:
- Can respect and develop the physical body as a creation of God.
- Can develop good sportsmanship and character through training and competition.
Technical Skills
At the end of the programme the College would have produced Students that:
- Can launch out into the world with the skill and competence acquired through hands-on training and industrial experience.
- Are prepared to go into the world with the necessary entrepreneurial skills and awareness
- Have a vision for greater heights in education and career.